CS GradeBook Status Report 3/04/2010 Pat: 1) Authentication and sessions are finally working. Variables can now be passed between pages. Once a user logs in they are redirected to either the student home page or TA home page based on their userid. 2) Met with Alex to discuss server permissions. Turns out that this was the problem that was preventing us from creating new directories, copying files, and dynamically populating our drop down menus. The permissions have been changed and when we migrate to the production environment, Alex said the problem should not exist. 3) Tested all student test accounts and course test accounts to make sure that the page redirection was working. Charles: 1) SubmitAssignment page now dynamically loads all of the classes into the drop down folder. However, found out that header redirection to the folder caused permission errors so I must use a different route to show the contents. 2) Unable to do much else because of this issue. I can now progress more in depth with the submit assignment. Next 2 weeks: 1) Need to implement a checks on each TA pages to make sure the userid that is trying to access the page is one of the course account and not a student. Should only be like 5 lines of code. 2) Need to add a time of the day selection for the due date of assignments. 3) Allow the student to upload a file into the appropriate directory. 4) Hopefully we will be able to have it where the student can only allow to upload the assignment before the lab due date/time and not any later.